Jitta is moving closer and closer to become the worldwide stock analysis platform that investors around the world can fully utilize, following our mission to make investment simpler.
Before talking about 3 new stock markets, we would like to reiterate a little bit about stock analysis on the Jitta platform. Each stock analysis data on our platform is a scan of stock financial data from hundreds of billions of datasets all around the world with AI technology.
Using the Jitta platform to analyze stocks and invest accordingly will allow you to invest in ‘wonderful stock at a fair price’ which was developed from the principle of Warren Buffett, the most successful value investor in the world. This principle has been proven for more than 5 decades that it is able to generate returns that beat market indices in long-term investment.
The stock analysis process of Jitta uses AI and a specially designed algorithm for important information for analyzing stocks as follows :
- Jitta Score analyzes the quality of business based on past financial statements
- Jitta Line determines the fair value of the business
- Jitta Ranking ranks ‘wonderful stocks at reasonable prices’ based on Jitta Score and Jitta Line
In the middle of the year 2022, Jitta had added 7 new stock markets, bringing the Jitta platform to cover 26 countries around the world. Today, the team has again added 3 new stock markets to increase coverage and meet the needs of investors around the world, consisting of Spanish, Danish and Israeli stock markets.
As a result, the Jitta platform now analyzes 29 stock markets around the world, but Investors can still use the platform for free.
As Always, Jitta will introduce you to 3 new stock markets on the platform and take you to secretly look at the returns for the past 13 years (2009 – 2021) from the back test between Jitta Ranking Top 10, Top 20 and Top 30 list of stocks.
Things to know…Spanish stock market
The Spanish stock market is a developed market. The main stock exchange is the Madrid Stock Exchange or Bolsa de Madrid located in Madrid and founded in 1831.
Jitta uses the IBEX 35 index as the benchmark index. It is the standard stock market index of the Madrid Stock Exchange comprising the 35 most liquid Spanish stocks traded on the general index of the Madrid Stock Exchange.
The platform analyzed stocks from the Madrid Stock Exchange, totaling 328 companies as of November 2022 and ranks them as Jitta Ranking Top 10, Top 20 and Top 30, respectively while it compares the back test returns between Jitta Ranking and IBEX 35 during 13 years (2009-2021).

If you are interested in the Spanish Stock Market, you can view all stocks on the Jitta stock analysis website. We will keep updating Jitta Ranking Top 30 of the Spanish market, including the back test returns every January.
Things to know…Danish stock market
The Danish stock market is also a developed market. The main stock exchange is the Nasdaq Copenhagen, formerly known as the Copenhagen Stock Exchange located in Copenhagen and founded in 1808.
Jitta uses the OMX Copenhagen 20 index as the benchmark index. It is the standard stock market index of the Copenhagen Stock Exchange comprising the 20 most liquid Danish stocks traded on the general index of the Copenhagen Stock Exchange.
The platform analyzed stocks from the Copenhagen Stock Exchange, totaling 148 companies as of November 2022 and ranks them as Jitta Ranking Top 10, Top 20 and Top 30, respectively while it compares the back test returns between Jitta Ranking and OMX Copenhagen 20 during 13 years (2009-2021).

If you are interested in the Copenhagen Stock Market, you can view all stocks on the Jitta stock analysis website. We will keep updating Jitta Ranking Top 30 of the Danish market, including the back test returns every January.
Things to know…Israeli stock market
The Israel stock market is also a developed market. The main stock exchange is the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE) regulated by the Israel Securities Authority (ISA)
Jitta uses the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange 35 index as the benchmark index. It is the standard stock market index of the Israeli Stock Exchange comprising the 35 most liquid Israeli stocks traded on the general index of the Israeli Stock Exchange.
The platform analyzed stocks from the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, totaling 406 companies as of November 2022 and ranks them as Jitta Ranking Top 10, Top 20 and Top 30, respectively while it compares the back test returns between Jitta Ranking and Tel Aviv Stock Exchange 35 during 13 years (2009-2021).

If you are interested in the Israeli Stock Market, you can view all stocks on the Jitta stock analysis website. Similar to other markets, we will keep updating Jitta Ranking Top 30 of the Israeli market, including the back test returns every January.
The retrospective returns in this article are calculated from a backtesting simulation by building an investment portfolio in line with Jitta Ranking and allocating the budget equally to buy shares of 10 companies, 20 companies and 30 companies then hold them until the 12-month maturity and sell at the end of each year to re-optimize the portfolio.
This process will be tested every single year. Over the last 13 years, our investing approach has proven that Jitta Ranking can deliver long-term returns that beat all stock indices and bring you to invest in line with the proven principles of Warren Buffett. The core principle that the Jitta team develops for time-tested AI and algorithms is ‘To buy a wonderful company at a fair price’.
However, the Jitta team will never stop improving the accuracy and efficiency of AI and algorithms to create the best returns for investors around the world. You don’t have to worry that our investment approaches are obsolete because we keep improving AI and algorithms to analyze and select stocks every year.
Building the investment portfolio by following Jitta Ranking lists is an easy and hassle-free option. You can follow annual updates of Jitta Ranking returns here, or if you want to learn more about how to use Jitta stock analysis platform, these are tutorials:
- Tutorial Stock Summary
- Tutorial Jitta Factsheet
- Tutorial Explore by Country
- Tutorial Jitta Playlist
- Tutorial Jitta Portfolio
We are looking forward to developing the Jitta platform to cover 100% of global stock markets in the future in our effort to set new standards through AI-powered investment innovation that emphasizes value investing approaches to help investors create better returns in a simpler way.
About Jitta
Jitta was founded as the WealthTech startup in March 2012 with a mission of ‘To help investors create better returns through simple investment methods’. We started from developing the AI-powered stock analysis platform that selects good fundamental stocks and analyzes 10-year financial statements in an effort to help investors around the world to build their portfolios by finding ‘a good stock with a reasonable price’ in actual practice.
Jitta platform currently covers stock analysis in 29 countries, scanning stocks of more than 48,000 active companies. All features are available free of charge.