After helping investors find wonderful companies at a fair price on exchanges in six countries, including the United States, Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam and Japan, we’ve been receiving so many suggestions as to where the next investment destinations worth exploring are. We really appreciate all of your recommendations, and we are striving to incorporate the feedbacks to make Jitta one of the world’s best stock-analysis platforms.
Today, my team and I are very excited to announce that you can now search for new investment opportunities in the United Kingdom! The London Stock Exchange is being closely watched by investors worldwide who are in search of the next golden goose behind the veil of Brexit uncertainties. That’s more than 1,700 new companies waiting to be discovered!
But because these stocks are still in Beta mode, if you experience any issues or have any suggestions for us, please don’t hesitate to let us know via the Feedback button on the website or write us at
Have fun searching for newer, better investment opportunities!