Jitta Ranking
Are you looking for outstanding companies at reasonable prices? Check out Jitta Ranking's list of undervalued stocks with strong fundamentals and high growth potential. Investing in Jitta Ranking’s top 30 stocks has been proven to boost your chances of outperforming the market index. This tutorial will show you how to find Jitta Ranking’s top stocks in just seconds. Let’s get started.

After logging on to the mobile app and website, you can tap on the JITTA RANKING menu at the bottom of your mobile app or select the market you’re interested in under EXPLORE BY COUNTRY right at the top of the HOME page.
Select a market that you are interested in.
To narrow down your results, you can tap All SECTORS and pick as many sectors as you want. You can narrow down your results even further on the website by hitting FILTER OPTIONS and pick as many countries, sectors, or industries you want.
The results you see are ordered according to the Jitta Ranking algorithm, whose methodology you can study in detail here. The first stock you see is the number 1 of the day. If you want to see more stocks in the ranking, just keep scrolling down.
If you want to customize your search or screen for specific stocks check out Jitta.com for advance screening options.