Search with tag: "investing-strategies"
  • Investment Principles
    The PDCA of Investing
    Investing successfully is not all that different from operating a business successfully (or doing other things successfully).
  • Investment Strategies, Stock Analysis
    The Origin and Concept of the Jitta Score
    There are many who are curious about the Jitta Score. How high should the score be to qualify as an attractive investment?
  • Investment Strategies
    Jitta 101 Infographic
    In the past, investing in Warren Buffett’s style seems quite difficult for people who have just entered into the stock market, because despite reading many books on the subject, it is diffic...
  • Investment Strategies
    Investing in Growth Stocks Using Jitta
    One of our users raised a point, whether Jitta is too slow for finding Growth Stocks or not. This is a very good question, so we decided to address it in this article.
  • Investment Strategies
    Investing in Dividend Stocks #2
    Good investments is not just holding onto stocks in the long-run, but it is a constant monitoring of the company’s performance. Before, this is a quite hard task, so the given advice was to ...
  • Investment Strategies
    Investing in Dividend Stocks #1
    An interesting strategy to use during ambiguous and turbulent times (in the market) is investing in businesses (stocks) that pay dividends. Because once we invested in a price that we are sa...
  • Investment Strategies
    Investing for Cash Flow
    When you invest, pay the most attention to the cash flow that that asset is able to create. Do not just look at the difference in the asset’s price and your capital gain, because in the long...
  • Investment Strategies
    Immunity Against Bad News
    In the world of investment, bad news that affect the stock market often create good investment opportunities for us. The main job for investors in times of bad news is to analyze how that pi...
  • Investment Strategies
    Choosing to Invest in Dividend Stocks
    As for the functions that can help select different stocks, Jitta is now working on the Jitta Screener for investors to select stocks based on their own different Criteria. For example, sele...