To get on the path of successful investment, you have to buy a wonderful company at a fair price. The most simple method is to use Search Bar feature to search for individual stock by company name, stock symbol, type of industry, or investment strategy. A tutorial of using search bar is as follows:
1. In HOME page, you would find black tab named ‘ Search on Jitta’ at the top of the page.
2. Once you type a keyword– company name or stock symbol, a list of stock will show below the black bar.
3. Click on your favorite stock.
4. To cancel a search, you have to click on X to reset and be able to use other features.
5. Furthermore, you can search individual stock by using its industry type or sector e.g. Financial, Services, Technology, Healthcare, Energy, Basic materials, Capital goods, Consumer cyclical, Consumer/non-cyclical, Transportation, Utilities, Conglomerates, etc.
6. Also, you can search name of ‘Featured Playlists’ which are set of screening criteria Jitta has prepared for everyone based on popular investment strategies, including:
- Dividend = Stocks likely to give you more dividends as time passes.
- Cash cow = Stocks with consistently increasing cash flows from operating activities.
- Share buy-back = Stocks that buy back common shares, leaving you with a larger share of the profits.
- Cigar butt = Decent stocks that are highly undervalued.
- Turnaround = Mediocre stocks with positive signs of improvements within the past three quarters.
- Growth = Undervalued stocks whose net profits have been surging for the past three years.
7. As a result, you would discover a list of worthy stocks which is ranking by Jitta Ranking. Additionally, you can edit and adjust the criteria for the best investment strategy to suit you.