What’s new on Jitta Portfolio (Beta)? We’ve created Jitta Portfolio (Beta) to make tracking investment returns and improving your investment strategy easier. Especially, if you’re already in...
Get a quick overview of any stocks with this widget. You can look back over the past ten years and see trends in Jitta Score, Jitta Line and stock price. Also on display are a Loss Chance an...
Get a head start on your investment journey with our stock screener through one intelligent tool: Jitta Playlist. You can use Jitta Playlist to look for stocks with the exact qualities you d...
A random search for stocks would be clear by using this feature. Explore by Country is where you’ll find Jitta Ranking for each country’s stock exchanges. Choosing stocks from the lists prov...
To get on the path of successful investment, you have to buy a wonderful company at a fair price. The most simple method is to use Search Bar feature to search for individual stock by compan...
One thing that can help us improve our investment is continuous learning, especially finding explanations as to why our past investment has profited and lost, what were the components and fa...
In this article, we will discuss something very simple, yet overlooked by many, and is actually a very important process in any work setting, including in investing: tracking your results.
In this article, we will look at another important aspect of investment. It’s Asset Allocation -how should we diversify our investments in different stocks?
As promised, I have written this article to explain concepts on how to look at our investments in the big picture, in terms of looking at the Portfolio to better understand investment and th...